What's the history of my home? In june 1981, Hispasat society was born, and several satellites were constructed with Matra company. The Ariane shuttlers were responsible of the launch to 36.000 kmts far away. Nowadays, you can find three satellites working: H1C, H1D and Amazonas.
The best of all is that I have access to hundreds of tv channels, radios, telecommunication services and even broadband access to internet. What a luxury!
However, it is not very comfortable, because I have to be aware of every single launch to reach my home. That's way I look up in the Internet the launch schedules all over the world. Where shall I take my next journey home?
The best of all is that I have access to hundreds of tv channels, radios, telecommunication services and even broadband access to internet. What a luxury!
However, it is not very comfortable, because I have to be aware of every single launch to reach my home. That's way I look up in the Internet the launch schedules all over the world. Where shall I take my next journey home?

¿De dónde viene mi casa espacial? En junio de 1981 se constituyó la sociedad Hispasat, S.A. y se construyeron varios satélites con la empresa Matra. Las lanzaderas Ariane fueron las responsables de su puesta en órbita a 36.000 kmts.
Actualmente se encuentran operativos el H1C, H1D y Amazonas.
Lo mejor de todo es que puedo acceder a cientos de canales de tv, radio, servicios de telecomunicaciones varios incluso banda ancha para poder acceder a internet. ¡Todo un lujo!
Lo peor es que tengo que estar pendiente de los lanzamientos espaciales esporádicos -varios por semana-, para poder alcanzar mi hogar. Por eso sigo puntualmente la agenda de despegues de internet para saber dónde y cuándo sale mi próximo vuelo. ¿De dónde saldrá mi próximo vuelo a casa?