Wednesday, November 30, 2005

A little writter - Un pequeño escritor

Obviously, I am not the classical blogger. You can count with my leg fingers all the cases similar to mine all over the world. However, either small or big, I am another inhabitant of this globe that sails across the universe. I have my own right to tell you my stories, haven't I? Humans despise these small beings that hide behind so many feathers, with their so funny eyes like little buttons. But our potential is so big as any other alive beings. Just propose it to yourself ! Someday I tell you how I built my headquarters in order to access internet network. I took me centuries..., really. But now I am gonna rest, cause it was a hard day.

Ciertamente no soy un blogger cualquiera. Se pueden contar con los dedos de mi pata los casos similares al mío a lo ancho y largo de este planeta Tierra. Pero pequeño o grande, al fin y al cabo soy un habitante más de este globo terráqueo que surca veloz el universo. Y tengo mi derecho a contaros cosas, ¿o no? Los humanos menosprecian a los pequeños seres que se esconden detrás de tanta pluma, con esos ojos saltones como botoncitos que tanta gracia hacen. Pero nuestro potencial es tan enorme como el de cualquier ser vivo. Basta con proponérselo. Un día os contaré como he logrado montar mi puesto de operaciones para acceder a las redes informáticas. Me ha llevado siglos..., en serio. Pero ahora, voy a descansar del duro día.

Monday, November 28, 2005

I saw you - Te he visto

Yes, just in a rush, but I could see you. I am not really enormous. I usually fly between car wheels, jumping from asphalt to curb, always looking for a tasty piece of bread. I am small as a tennis ball, but with all I have seen in my life I could write hundreds of books. Good stories, and other no so good. Perhaps next one is your story, because I usually see you. Yes, I am the one that makes you laugh.

Sí, ha sido fugaz, pero hoy te he podido ver. No soy lo que se dice muy grande. Acostumbro a moverme entre las ruedas de los coches, saltando de la acera al asfalto y del asfalto a la acera. Siempre en busca de una suculenta y sabrosa miga de pan que llevarme al pico. Soy pequeño como una pelota de tenis, pero lo que he visto en mi vida de gorrión daría para escribir cientos de libros. Historias buenas, y otras menos buenas. Quizá la tuya sea la próxima, porque te veo con frecuencia. Sí, soy ese que te hace reír.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Change your glasses

I met Luis Cadenas when he was quietly reading a book during the trip, till the three children with his father entered the bus. I saw the scene from the bus ceiling and made me think about relativity. The children were so loudly, with the father doing nothing, that Luis couldn't help speaking to the father:
-Please, man, your children must behave correctly. They are bothering all around.
-I am sorry -said the father- you're right. Their mother has died this evening and we are going through a very bad moment.
Luis couldn't say a word, but his perspective had changed completely. Humans should never prejudge the other people reasons to behave as they do, and so they will simply be happier.
Luis Cadena wrote this and other stories in several books, and tells them during his seminars.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Good loser - Buen perdedor

Last saturday, Real Madrid lost against its eternal spanish rival, Barcelona. I could attend to the match and from the sky I enjoyed a very good play offered by the catalan team. But what is relevant in this story is that the madrid supporters clapped recognising the play of the adversary. When will we see this kind of things for example in politics?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Ad free blog - Bitacora libre de publicidad

Today I saw this logo at Mr Dans' blog, and I want to join this movement of ad-free blogs. Do you want to join us? I am happy my site is becoming a real human looking blog, with so many good blogging stuff.

Hoy he visto este logo en el blog del señor Dans, y me he querido unir al movimiento de bitácoras libres de anuncios. ¿Quieres unirte a nosotros? Estoy contento porque mi bitácora empieza a parecer un auténtico blog humano con tantas herramientas.